David Hinton: "Ancient China's landscape paintings . . . [are] a kind of landscape minimalism . . . a Chinese painting generally contains a great deal of empty space . . .This encourages us to feel the particular thusness of things because they stand out dramatically against the surrounding empty space, thereby intensifying the individual presence of each of them."
Winter begins its goodbye: temps up and down (a cool front comes through tonight and will plunge temperatures during the days back into the 60s). But, spring is jumping out all over, pollen everywhere, coating the ground and people walking, trees full of newly growing leaves, and the skies have more clouds again. White pelicans will move on until next fall . . .
I've been on several cruises to the Caribbean however I have few images with which I've been satisfied from there. This one is fair I would say . . .
David Hinton:
"(M)ainstream Western philosophy has generally taken as its starting point the center of memory and speculative thought . . . This kind of approach invested Western philosophy from the beginning with an assumption that consciousness is fundamentally different from the empirical realm of existence . . . But China's ancient sages assumed that [the] immediate experience of empty awareness was the beginning place, that dwelling here in the beginning, free of thought and identity, is where we are most fundamentally ourselves, and also where deep insight into the nature of consciousness and reality logically begins . . . eyes closed . . . emptying our minds completely, we turn to the empty darkness that is our own awareness in and of itself. We inhabit the expansive space of that darkness for a time, then open our eyes. We gaze out as if it were for the first time, gaze with no expectations at all about the nature of consciousness and reality, wanting to see them as they are in and of themselves, free of all our tenuous stories about them, our ideas and beliefs . . . we encounter a revelation altogether unexpected and unimaginable: existence! Existence miraculously and inexplicably here when there might just as well be nothing! The sheer presence of materiality—vast and deep, everything and everywhere!" Chilkat Lake, Alaska David Hinton:
"There's no end to how beautifully complex things are: weather patterns or the neurochemistry of memory, for instance, intercontinental migrations, flourishing civilizations. Sometimes I need shelter from all this wide-open complexity." Warmer now; 70s near 80 during the day, 60s at night. The days roll on—this petty pace from day to day. Somehow it's hard to believe we've been stuck in this same situation for a year, and at the same time it's beginning to feel that's it's always been this way—this is the new normal? I think breaking out of the old normal is healthier for us and the earth, but this normal leaves me feeling sad and not so much lonely as forced to be mostly alone. But: the season of cloudy, stormy skies and rain (blessed rain!) approaches. Enough of blue cloudless skies and day after day of the same "paradise"!
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