Thoughts about photography and truly seeing
(W)hat counts most in human life is pure astonished amazement at the fact that anything at all should exist and, greater still, that anything and everything should display such beauty. Roy Anker
What I try to evoke in my photographs is the dynamic of the landscape, its spiritual and physical energy, its livingness, its essential mystery. John Blakemore
The splendour of the simple. Martin Heidegger
When people look at my pictures I want them to feel the way they do when they want to read the line of a poem twice. Robert Frank
(T)he awakened eye does not see the Real behind appearances. It sees appearances as manifestations of the Real. Frederick Franck
I take my camera out into the world and it invites me to slow down and linger over moments of beauty. It opens me to wonder and delight. Christine Valters Paintner
(Beauty is) confirmation . . . of meaning in life. Robert Adams
Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing. Camille Pissarro
(W)hat counts most in human life is pure astonished amazement at the fact that anything at all should exist and, greater still, that anything and everything should display such beauty. Roy Anker
What I try to evoke in my photographs is the dynamic of the landscape, its spiritual and physical energy, its livingness, its essential mystery. John Blakemore
The splendour of the simple. Martin Heidegger
When people look at my pictures I want them to feel the way they do when they want to read the line of a poem twice. Robert Frank
(T)he awakened eye does not see the Real behind appearances. It sees appearances as manifestations of the Real. Frederick Franck
I take my camera out into the world and it invites me to slow down and linger over moments of beauty. It opens me to wonder and delight. Christine Valters Paintner
(Beauty is) confirmation . . . of meaning in life. Robert Adams
Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing. Camille Pissarro